
So this is the part where it gets awkward and I introduce myself...
In fact, I think this time, I'd save both of us from that situation and entertain you with an interesting fact...

If you sit at perfect 90 degrees when you're sinking in quick sand, you will not sink.

I know, great fact to know, especially when you're sinking in quick sand,right?!


If you're here, you're probably lost or confused, or both. And wanting out...

Cynthia & Yu Yan
Jenny & Theresa
Karen & Wendy
Thomas & Vincent

Date / Time : Monday, June 29, 2009 / 12:57 AM
"... and damn, you're free." - Jason Mraz

With some somewhat abundant free time (as the stress of attempting to operate newly stolen sewing machine [3 hours], searching youtube for videos on how to operate sewing machines, and finally getting machine to operate, then the task of sewing three pieces of CLOTHS together [4-5 hours], then speech) over, I've decided to blog.

About what? I don't know, so I guess I'd improv from here on...

As you may or may not know, we modern historians were assigned a task to research a historical figure and present thyself as that figure in class, to the class.

Well, being the big moronic idiot that I am, I chose the late pope. Yes, with no sewing machine nor any creative intelligence, I chose the person who would require sewing for his costume. Other people just borrow their brother's or mother's old clothes, or a suit. BUT NO ONE OWNS A POPE COSTUME (THIS IS WHY WE NEED HALLOWEEN IN AUSTRALIA), do they?

And no place sells them either. Doesn't help that the store owner/whoever else is in the store give me the dirties when I pitched the question.

"Uhmmm... so do you have anything the.. uhm, pope might wear?"
*Guy looks over, goes to tell his friend that I'm crazy*
Store owner: no, honey. *pity look*
Me: uhm no, this is for school...
Store owner: ...okay *pity look*
Me: ... it's for a school assessment...
Store owner *stares*
Me: it's ... it's... I'm not dressing up as the Pope for fun!
Store owner *pity looks and stares*

But you know what? It's alright, I've concluded.

That assessment isn't all that bad. And I'm glad I chose to study the late Pope over the other characters. I think I've slowly, over the agonising stress in the wee hours, filling in details and answering the criterion questions about his life, have fallen in love with Pope John Paul II.

Oh, and the sewing bit was yes, frustrating and made me want to kill myself, other living objects around me at the time (dad, bonsai tress) and sewing machine, it was also quite fun.

And , I have a sewing machine now. Well, it's not mine, but I am borrowing it for an indefinite amount of time (from this moment --> death, or until owner demands it back, which hopefully, is never).

Oh, btw, should I turn on comments? LOL well, you won't be able to respond - because commenting is off. AHAHAHS