
So this is the part where it gets awkward and I introduce myself...
In fact, I think this time, I'd save both of us from that situation and entertain you with an interesting fact...

If you sit at perfect 90 degrees when you're sinking in quick sand, you will not sink.

I know, great fact to know, especially when you're sinking in quick sand,right?!


If you're here, you're probably lost or confused, or both. And wanting out...

Cynthia & Yu Yan
Jenny & Theresa
Karen & Wendy
Thomas & Vincent

Date / Time : Friday, June 12, 2009 / 12:32 AM
"We kiss, we make up." - Katy Perry

Dear blog,

So I know it's been a while since we've spoken and this might get a tad awkward... but we must talk and consolidate our relationship, or what relationship we once had.

Sure, we have our differences. I'm always out and about, hanging with my people (you know those guys with limbs). And you're always ha here and half not, clearly you find greater commonality with your groupie. And this difference had always been the source of all our jealousy-driven tensions. You wish you could grow arms and I wish I were built upon filmsy, dodgy, not-all-browsers-compliant codes. But we aren't and never will be, and that is the fact that must be faced. Well, I'm not completing ruling out plastic surgery... but that's a tad dramatic (and I'm not sure I love you enough go to that extent... no offence).

The reason we were so bitter toward one another was the simple fact that we were indeed in love. With eachother, that is (just to be clear since you tend to require exact directions for every message otherwise you'd say "code error" or some other annoying thing). We're like Chuck and Blair. The sex isn't as great but I do bring out the best in you and you the worst in me. Or whatever. But ultimately, we love eachother and fear we we'd both stuff it up if we gave us a chance. But like Chuck and Blair and Blair and Chuck, we'd be like crap (almost as crap as Dan Humphrey, but lets not...) without eachother.

I want to give us another go. Give love another chance. Give you some more time. Give ducks some more bread so they'd surely blow up and their family of ducks will surely come and attack us...

I'm not saying I will here all the time. I have a life you know *chuckle*

All I'm saying is we should be here, and we should be here together. We can go our separate ways but always have the backbone support. We can drive our separate paths, but you know when the car breaks down or when I get lost because lets face it, I am geographically retarded, I'd like to know I can turn back to you and have your consolidation and time. So in saying that, I will not be readily available everyday, or week or even month - but I'd try. We'd try.

Yes, we have communication problems. Yes, I am lame. But I think we make quite a cute weird couple, don't you? ;)